Sales report

Consumer goods

Alcohol checker (Electrochemical Sensor type) Teardown Report (TANITA, FIGARO, CENTRAL)

Albro FC-800 Fugo Smart FALC-21 Sociac Neo SC-502


Confirming the intoxication level of drivers using a breathalyzer was mandatory in Japan from December 2023. LTEC released two reports.

  1. Teardown report of three main makers includes identification of components.
  2. Gas sensor structure analysis report includes the electrochemical sensor and breath passageway, which are the core of the product, are compared to each company’s products.

Product features

1) Tanita: Albro FC-800 [JB10001-36]

2) Figaro: Fugo Smart FALC-21 [JB10001-17]

3) Central automotive products: Sociac Neo SC-502 [JB10001-30]

Report contents

1) Teardown report of 3 breathalyzer (41 pages)

  • Teardown process
  • Identify key components

2) Gas sensor structural analysis report for 3 breathalyzer (58 pages)

  • Gas sensor structural analysis

Elemental analysis of main materials (inorganic analysis excluding electrolyte)

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