Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions and answers

If this did not sufficiently answer your question, please inquire via the contact form.

Q1. How much time does it require and how much does it cost to conduct an analysis of an IC?    A1. The delivery date and cost vary dramatically depending on process node and  project scope.  If you tell us the specific product number of the IC and the expected contents of the analysis, we will give you a rough estimate free of charge. In addition, a more detailed quotation will be provided after conducting a rough analysis on the actual IC and identifying the detailed parts subject to analysis. Since all of the above will be done free of charge, please feel free to contact us with your e-mail, phone, etc., using this inquiry.

Q2.What types of IC are you able to analyze?                                                                                                 A2. We have experience in analyzing a wide range of products including mixed signal ICs, LSIs, Memories, discrete products, and MEMS etc.

Q3. How do you promote the maintenance of confidentiality of information?                                           A3. We are always mindful about avoiding potential conflict of interest situations, and strictly maintain neutrality.  In case of disputes/litigations/negotiations between companies, one of which we provide or provided service for, we stand at the side of our customer. We will be happy to conclude a confidentiality agreement depending on the needs of our customers.

Q4. What are the features of LTEC in patent investigation?                                                                              A4. We have over 30 years of experience in semiconductor-based patent investigation and analysis. Over the years we continuously refined our analysis capabilities and associated skills while interfacing and collaborating with major semiconductor companies. Our analysts not only read a large number related patents of interest, but they also conduct searches while relying on LTEC Corporation’s comprehensive strength of having deep physical analysis capabilities which we deploy as needed

Q5. What areas dose LTEC have the strengthen for system analysis and signal acquisition?             A5. While we have strong expertise in analyzing a wide variety of advanced semiconductor devices, we perform the highest number of system analysis in the field of display devices.  We also have considerable experience in analyzing automotive electronic systems.

Q6. Do you conduct all the device analysis within your company? in a closed manner within your company?                                                                                                                                                                     A6. We conduct most analysis tasks within LTEC Corporation’s well-equipped laboratories; however, in some cases, when use of highly sophisticated and costly equipment or software is required, we may engage with trusted partner companies.

Q7. In what forms do we receive the analysis reports?                                                                                 A7. The standard means of delivery is electronic data (file transfer), but delivery as a CD-R is also possible. For reporting analysis results, we also offer face-to-face online meetings if requested.

Q8. Do you offer visiting services in areas outside of Japan?                                                                    A8. We have experienced salespeople actively working in USA, Korea and Taiwan. If necessary, we can also visit form Japan. Please feel free to ask.

Q9. Do you accept our engineer/s visit your facility to conduct the analysis together?                        A9. We can consider it if you ask us in advance.

Q10. Do you plan to adopt the so-called multi-client method to provide the completed report to multiple customers in the future?                                                                                                                    A10. It is possible. We will consider doing so if you request that.

If you have any questions regarding LTEC or the purchase of sales reports, please feel free to contact us using our contact form.

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